Safety, Academic Achievement, Fiscal Responsibility
2025 Board Goals
Develop & expand curriculum programs for gifted & talented students in younger grades
Take an active and community-based role in development and adoption of the district’s 2025-2030 strategic plan
Strengthen academic rigor & enhance curricular pathways, with a particular emphasis on increasing math expectations
Enhance the district’s data dashboard system to provide realtime, actionable insights into student achievement
Ensure the effective implementation and management of the district’s bond initiatives.

Prioritizing the Community's Concerns
Student Growth & Achievement
CCS to maintain a whole-child focus
Expecting no less than a student's best in every course
Every student should have a year's worth of growth in a year
Maintain a close relationship with our independent TLC to ensure strong parent involvement & input
Maintain small classroom sizes and low teacher-student ratios
Academic Success
Build upon multi-tiered system of supports to secondary
Ensure administration is constantly presenting the Board with research-based programs & initiatives for best teaching practices & updated curriculum
Invest in a new, innovative & research-based ELA curriculum
Build upon our data collection & synthesizing systems to ensure curriculum decisions are data-based
Consistently increase staff pay as much as the district can afford to attract & retain the best teachers & employees
Build upon & ensure long-term stability for our shared services program to continue to supplement funding
Ensure bond funds are spent wisely with safety & long-term planning at the forefront
Advocating at State & Federal level for fully-funded programs/grants for highest level of allocated per pupil funding
Transparency in programs & results so parents feel involved and connected to their students' classroom & progress
Maintain the unprecedented level of being almost fully staffed at CCS by ensuring a safe & professional work environment
Market CCS successes to our district families & taxpayers
Teacher support with coaches, professional development opportunities & subject area coordinators
With which political party do you align?
The school board race is non-partisan.
It's important that the well-being & future of our kids is independent of party-alignment. Vote for a person, not politics. Vote for your candidate based on their stance on issues, community involvement & relevant experience; not based on a label that doesn't even have an agreed-upon definition.
Moreover, just because someone else labels me as a conservative/liberal/Republican/Democrat does not make me one.
What is the 2025-2030 Strategic Plan?
CCS has a team of 50 educators, parents, community members, Board members & administrators that will solidify the plan over the next school year. They will be informed by the survey that was sent out community-wide in late spring; the results of which will be presented at the October board meeting.
Are you for or against parental involvement in schools?
For. Always for. Parents should feel that they are in partnership with their school/teacher/support staff in the education of their child(ren). One of our partnerships I am most proud of in CCS is our Teaching & Learning Council (TLC), a diverse district group that is responsible for reviewing proposed new curriculum, courses of study & adopting resources, as well as our dedicated Parent Advisory Councils.
You seem solely focused on school safety. What about all of the other important issues in schools like academics?
​School safety will always be my #1-10 priorities. If kids/staff do not feel safe in school, they won't reach their full potential in anything else. Parents also need to feel they're making the safe decision by sending their kids to CCS. My goal is to be able to say that we are doing everything we can to keep our children and staff safe in school. This is why I requested to be on the BOE school safety committee, campaigned for and approved hiring a full time safety director, additional SRO, HWC partnership, a follow-up independent security audit, and additional target-hardening measures.